Monday, February 12, 2007
16 turning 17
1. God, above....i would like to thank god for all the guidance and blessings that he has showered upon me. without his guidance, my path would be lost... i would like to thank him for giving me a new life each day i wake up in the morning. i would like to thank him for helping me survive this life which is currently full og challenges. because of his help, i am truly a survivor
2. My Parentsi would like to thank my parents for all the love, care and support they have given me. without them, iwouldn't be where i am now and who i am now. thanks for all the lessons you taught me and all the things that you trained me. because of those things, i am now molded as person who is filled with many perspectives in life, many goals to accomplish. mom and dad, i hope you're reading this.... i will never fail you... i promise... thanks and i love you
3. Janyn, Darell, and Lavinia together with my highschool batch and pioneerinansthanks for teaching me how to fight the challenges in life. all the things we've been through will never compare to any friendship i have now. you are my true bessies, bestfriends, and bisty... thank you so much for all the advices you have given me. i am so thankful to have you people in my life. i can never forget all the things we've been through... all the hardships in life, challenges, good and bad times... those are things that strengthened our bonds to one another... thank you so much.... i love you all.. you'll always be in my heart.
4. Alyssa and Bianca and Bosconians and Relatives especially Kate and Ate Karla Conde and Ate Jove Casupananthanks you very much for helping me adjust here in philippines. i really owe you people alot. thanks for all the fun, unedning support and laughter that we shared. we haven;t been with each other for that so many time but i really treasure all those moments that we've been through... thanks for everything. i am really glad that i have you in my life... thanks a bunch...
5. Teachers, Mr and Mrs. Martin... Mr. and Mrs. Oei... Mr. and Mrs. Loilo... Mr and Mrs. Gozos... Mr. and Mrs. Nazal... thanks for all the lessons learned... for all the advices shared and for everthing... thank you so much......
wheee... i have many more people to thank but i cannot write everything now... hehehehe... but anyway... all the people that has been a part of my life thank you so much... thankss to all the people above... all my ates and kuyas in pips and don bosco... chatmates and textmates... hahaha isali ko na din un... siyempre part of my life na din sila eh/. i hope we see each other in my seventeenth year... :)
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
i received my grades in some subjects. so far, so good. my highest is a 1.5 in filipino and my lowest is 2.25 in analytic geometry. infact, i was expecting to get a higher grade in geometry than calculus.
differential calculus is really killing me. it is so hard. i just can't relate to our current topic about the applications of maxima and minima. my mind is twirling and lingering around the classroom searching for somebody's help during seatworks.
we had our jig 11 last satruday. it really rocks. imagine seeing kamikaze and parokya ni edgar in just one night show. it was really head-banging. really fun.
i hosted the awards night for the cine ni juan film festival in our school. i got messed up as i read the last two presentors of the award. i was to ashamed. but i jst smiled at my mistake. :)
the foundation week of our school was so fun. there wwas a fait in our school. too bad, i didn't have a chance to ride them. :(
i went to tiendesitas last friday to shoot our music video. thanks to alyssa, padz, and oyenz. without you guys, we will never have our musicvideo. :)
i am currently practicing to sing. hahaha. i am planning to take my dreams seriously by being a frustrated singer. why not? dreams do come true. i sang your love, welcome to my life and unwell. hahaha. theree song intervals. hehehe....
yikes! we have our swimming class tomorrow. it is too cold to swim. i think i'll freeze. hehehe
one more week to go, im turning 17. days pass by so quickly.
one last line.... just want to greet
mary grace ruaya
kate laurice gonzales
sir roland gadingan
lord byrong cruz
uvelle mantuano
karl omega
roxanne bandelaria
a happy birthday......
Friday, January 26, 2007
im back
i'll be attending bianca findlay's debut tomorrow. woohhh.... she's truning eighteen finally... hehehehe.... there is nothing in my mind right now. i dont even know what to blog about.
ill be coming to uae soon... yehey...
hmmm. what else... no idea... next time...:)
Thursday, December 28, 2006
the year-ender entry
to all the people who was and is always there for me... thank you very much for your unending support. i would never be here if you guys weren't by my side. you know who you are.... :)
Saturday, December 23, 2006
greetings this christmas
hope you have the best this yuletide season...
Sunday, December 17, 2006
pinoy dream academy
yeng knocked off the prices last night. brought home 2000000 pesos... and many many more prizes. she really showed outstanding performances and versatility through music composition, singing, dancing, and many more throughout the contest. so there is no invalid reason why she shouldn't be the grand scholar.... congrats yeng...

jayr grabbed seccond place by showing versatility in his performances. there is no doubt that he is one of the winners of pinoy dream academy and so as ronnie, one of the newest promising balladeers of the century in philippine history....
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
just another day... hmp!

the jones bridge and the dirty river

Tuesday, December 05, 2006
outskirts of mandaluyong
today, we started our minor project in nstp. we went to addition hills to adopt a child and get to know him/her. the day was too hot and the sun's heat was all over me. i was sweating. but then, it didnt take too lone for me and joseph to find a kid. she is exactly eight years old and my ideal child. hehehehe... she is quiet and shy. she loves drawing. and her christmas wish is a barbie doll... why not? that would be easy to fulfill. so we talked to her and her mother. they were kind and welcomed us generously. i never expected that despite their situation in addition hills, they could still be happy. it is true that when a family is always together, there will always be a pleasant atmosphere. after that, i introduced eden berdida to my schoolmates and i met the other kids too... some of the kids were too naughty that they nearly hatched up my anger... heheheh... but i still have to remain calm so i must still smile... hehehehe....
back to our school, we planned for their christmas party and this planning boiled my head. heheheh... the class was too noisy and full of reactions that were unnecessary. hmp... im just telling the truth.... hehehehe... im not rude but thats the way i feel. well anyway, got to get going.
Monday, November 27, 2006
christmas wishes
1. chocolates.... hahaha... simple wish but worth it... to stuff of my appetite
2. load.... hahaha "kahit 300 lng"... basta may load....
3. shirts.... "pamahal ng pamahal" hahaha....
4. caps.... "para naman may pangtakip ako sa init ng araw"
5. pda cds... all volumes... hahaha... kidding.. if you can't afford all four.. at least the volume one and the volume with the song "pangarap by yeng"
6. computer.... hahahaha... kidding
7. nokia n70.... wahahaha "ang mahal"
8. house and lot.... hehehehe....
10. the calling and lifehouse cds
11. michelle madrigal
12. hmmm urself... just one christmas greeting from you will be okay... "pero dapat may kasama sa mga nakalista sa itaas"
those are my christmas wishes.... hehehehe... hope you buy them for me.. kidding....
Thursday, November 23, 2006
when i arrived in the school... there was no morning assmbly! it was cancelled. and i was so pissed because i really dovetailed everything and the assembly ended up being cancelled. then i have to rush again after swimming because our professor in filipino is too tight when it comes to our attendance. i might have a grade of "no grade due to abscences" if i won't be able to attend the class on time. and that is an automatic grade of 5.
chem lab was next. there were many experiments. and i got pissed thinking how to balance the long chemical reactions or should i say equations.
then i went to megamall with my friends to buy something for triple e technology. and janyn and karl texted me to go to gateway. i was really confused where to go..... until now im tired because of that subject... grrrr.... but i am happy coz i still survived it somehow....
its been a long time since i didnt blog. christmas is coming. this will be my very first christmas in philippines. or should i say, second. the first was way back when i was one year old. hehehe.....
Monday, November 06, 2006
today was our enrollment. i was running like hell to every places assigned in the procedure of enrollment paper. it was too tiring. i was like in the so-called tv reality show "the amazing race". it became too hectic when i couldn't enlist my name in theology 2. i kept on running back and fourth with joseph, al, byron, and miles. it was too tiring and i really hated it. this happened due to the late submission of grades in theology, it is only today when i received my grade in that subject. i was so relieved when i received it. i got flat 1.... hehehe.... then the procedures went on and they computed my QPA... i don't know what that thing means but i think it is the general average of all the subjects i loaded for the first semester. it was 1.52. i heard that they were giving scholarships but my QPA didn't reach the cut-off grade which is 1.50.... when i was in STEP 7, i hated it. i have to fall in line for tons of minutes and i hate waiting. hehehe... finally, i was able to finish my enrollment. i went to robinsons alone today. and i was freaking bored. hehehe... so i went home early after buying the school supplies and eating in kentucky fried chicken. hehehehe....
Thursday, November 02, 2006
all saints day
date: october 28
others: pictures posted -
me, karl, and janyn reunited with an elementary classmate... jordi during the anniversary of Studio 23 held in mall of asia bay break. finally, i saw my favorite band perform live... 6 cycle mind... hehehe. i even saw other bands like pedicab, fourth clan, updharma down, soapdish, rivermaya, and more.... it was a blast... i even saw kris lawrence, rachelle ann go, christian bautista and the 5 expelled pinot dream academy scholars. hehehe. i really love that night cause my life was star-studded... hehehe... i even tasted the new lasagna supreme of greenwich.. hehehe.. yummy....
date: november 1
yesterday was my very first time to go to the cemetery. i really thought it was creepy. but it wasn't. it turned out to be jsut fine. but it was really hot. promise....
oh yah happy all saints day to everyone...
Sunday, October 22, 2006
raisa and earl
yesterday, raisa celebrated her birthday in mall of asia. it was my first time to go to that place. the mall is damn big. very big. so big. hehehe. we waited for janyn for about hmmm ten years? hehehe then ate in tokyo tokyo. the food was so delicious. as always. hehehe. then we watched world trade centre. a fascinating story of two survivors buried down in the collapsed building of wtc. the movie is great although there were more scenes of talk and talk and talk. hehehe.
we then went to blue wave to hear and watch bands perform. one of the bands who performed are called the stretbeat. they're so versatile. they could sing any song. from rock to jazz to pop to rnb to love... you name it. these guys must be well-known all over philippines. hehehe. they were so good that they inspired me to practice singing hehehe...
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
janyn celebrated her birthday last saturday. the exact day of her birthday. we ate at crocodile's grill... correct me if i am wrong with the spelling. we ate a lot. there were many dishes scattered arround the table. it was mouth watering. hahaha. kidding. but the foods were really great. hehehe. i ate a lot. i can't even stand when we were going to greenbelt 3. hehehe... we stayed in greenbelt until seven and talked and talked and talked and took photos and took photos and took photos then talked and talked and talked again until we decided to go home. hehehe.... i really miss those days so much.... high school... you've got to experience the real thrill.... whew.... hehehehe....
anyway... im doing good here in don bosco. i managed to get my grades as high as i could during the quizzes. and yeah! some were really difficult but i am so glad i managed to do well.... first semester is over... so.. i have five upcoming months for the second semester... hehehe...
Friday, October 13, 2006
janyn's birthday tomorrow... here is her greetings....
ney lyout... ofc course created by my bessie janyn... thanks... i owe you alot.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
here are the current updates.
- when there was no electricity yet in don bosco, that was like tuesday after the typhhon devastated philippines, me and karl went out. we met at quiapo and started our adventure going to sm manila. then i finally say these following place.... unibersidad de manila, mapua institute of technology, post office manila, isetan mall, china town... after walking around for more than two hours, we went to feu to meet up with janyn. i was so glad to see my bessie again. she's so beautiful especially with her bangs(wow sipsip). we went to ever recto and talked and talked and talked. although it was tiring, i had a never ending fun meeting up with two of the most special persons of my life.
- the next day, after five days of no school due to the typhoon, we had our classes.
- thursday... karl went to my school and i toured him around and brought him to robinsons pioneer and we ate at tokyo tokyo. yummy...
- hmm... saturday... i finally saw sadek because of ate tin's bday celebration in greenbelt. of course, karl was there too... we stayed until three o'clock am and finally went home. happy birthday to kiel too....
- monday... this is ony of my days... going to school was useless... we only had our class in filipino and no more... both professors of both subjects were absent.
- wednesday... yesterday, we had our exam in theology...
- thursday.... ma'am valdevia announced that me and karl cuvinar are exempted in english... yey...
Sunday, October 01, 2006
just an update
bagyong milenyo sucks big time. many trees fell down here in ayala homes including the basketball ring. it is a good thing it didn't totally hit the ground or else it will be too much tragedy for the basketball payers here in ayala homes. hehehe.... the committee got wiped out too.... hehehe..... many tin roofs were carried by the harsh wind. there was brownout for almost three days here. it is a good thing i survived that disaster. school is still closed due to power failure. hmmmmpppfff.... so boring here....
some people said that another tropical depression is about to happen. i dont know if it will hit metro manila again. i just wish it won't cause i really can't live anther three days withour electricity. it is just so hard to swallow. grrr.... even the malls have no electricity. they jsut use generator. i reallt thought it would be a nice place to cool donw but... it's even hotter to be with multitudes of people walking around the mall with no source of good air conditioning. the best place is to be in a cinema. and that is what i did. i stayed inside for almost three hours as a solution to escape hotness....
i saw mahal... hehehe... she looks like a small elf.... thumbelina looks much wonderful than her... hehehe... kidding
Monday, September 18, 2006
a message
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
batangas adventure
on our way there, i saw many new sights here in philippines. we passed laguna, alabang, paranaque, and the best part is tagaytay. finally... i saw the plave i've been wanting to see since my stay here in philippines. we stopped by in mcdonalds in tagaytay and had our dinner in there. when we arrived in lian, we started unpacking our things and prepared ourselves for the first activity. we started with the getting to know activity in which everyone must state their name and give a simple talent that will serve as a trademark. some showed stunts, sung songs, played guitar, drew, and many more. i showed them my tradmark way back in pioneers and that is my oratorical piece "a giant leap for mankind". if you guys couldn't remeber it, scroll back in the april or may 2005 blogs. hehehe. i have my records. then it was sleeping time. but i didn't get my sleep yet because i had a bonding session with kitc and stephen in the beach.
the next day, we prepared breakfast. then began our meeting about the group's future. hehehe. then we had our beach bums and strated to swim. the beach wasn't even deep at all. it was so shallow. from janyn's house up to jumbo electronics, the wter is knee deep in the morning. after eating our lunch, we played games in which the water was ankle deep. hehehe. we played tug of war, pinoy henyo (i am not really sure with the spelling), and made a pyramid. we even played amazing race. hehehe. then after that, me, alyssa, binca, miles and padz had pictorials in the other resort. we really had a fun time taking pictures. at night, we played stargate in which all members must find a way to fit themselves in a square hole made from a rope. once a member touches the rope, everyone must repeat. after playing, i enjoyed talking about ghost stories with michelle, cuan, and bro. abe.
the next morning, we have to prepare out things because it was time to leave. the restroms were sure crowded and everyone must form and stand in a line. i had laughing moments with michelle and emerson. before leaving the place, we had out mass in the seats near the beach. it was the best mass i've ever been to.
before leaving batangas, we stpped by don bosco batulao to have our lunch. we had anothe pictorials. me, merix, michelle, alyssa, bianca, and frncis enjoyed the different views of the place. it was the best.
the next day, i had a hangover. when i woke up i though i was still in batangas. i miss the place so much. i always enter the pastorals office or kuya mon's office to see the people of mcg. like yesterday, i enjoyed staying in father mon's office with jason, alyssa, bianca, kuya abe, kuya jp, cuan, miles, padz and ate judy
i am finally opening the season 2 of my journals. my stories will not end right here because you'll be catching more of me with more names to be mentioned in here. i already introduced some in this entry. the rest is to be followed. be ready for another journey as i take you to my exciting and fun-thrill world.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
we started with our gymnastics today. we did cartwheel and headroll then back flip??? i dont really know what you call that thing. i really sucked doing the cartwheel. hehehe....
i will be off to lian, batangas for the weekend and i sure am vey excited. hehehe
belated greetings...
ANGELLE JOY - my sis- happy birthday...
DARELL VICTOR GOZOS... happy birthday
Monday, August 28, 2006
the best weekend ever
the next day, we went sm san lazaro and met up with janyn again. it was the best weekend for me. i hope ill have that kind of weekend again.....
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
a day for paolo
Saturday, August 12, 2006
song crazes never ends
Tomorrow never comes
The day will end today
You come to change the truth
Forget it anyway
I"ll never be a man
So take it as i am
Make me alive
Make me suffer
Make me feel
Make me alive
Make me suffer
Make me feel
Just leave me in the rain
My life is in the drain
I"ll seek your love forever
I beg not a different game
I"ll never be a man
Embrace me as i am
Make me alive
Make me suffer
Make me feel
Make me alive
Make me suffer
Make me feel
starting of with english.... its pretty simple. i didn't study much for this subject but i managed to answer ever single quesion except for the noun of break... my answer was breakthrough.. kind of funny... i can't think of anything so i decided to gibe breakthrough a try even though it wan't worth it. hehehe
next subject algebra. i really though it was going to be easy. i usually say algebra is basic math but i had a hard time plus the fact that my head was burning while the exam was going on. i tried to answer ever questions and problems. i hope i got some of them right. i hope i pass.....
chemistry... i really love chemistry. i managed to get all the answers right. but not all of them but i love the test coz it was not that difficult.... :)
filipino... the simplest of them all... i just love the test... so much.... the class was able to finish in thirty minutes...
trigonometry... i thought it was hard but it definitely wasn't except for the fact that my carelessness came again... instead of 8-r, i wrote 8... that was really a stupid mistake. i think i screwed up n the graphs of the trigonometric function.... i hope not...
nstp... the upcoming exam of nstp is right minus wrong... the laternative to be exempte was to donate blood... and i don't wasnt to donate coz hearing it makes me weak already what more if im in the exact scene???
i attented the meeting in marian core group yesterday and as a lector and commentator, i was assigned to read the second reading...
here is a my new song craze
stars by callalily
[Verse]A picture of you reminds me
how the years have gone
by so lonely
but why do you have to leave me
without saying that you love me
I’m saying I love you again
are you listening?
open your eyes once again
look at me crying
If only you could hear me shout your name
if only you could fell my love again
the stars in the sky will never be the same
if only you were here
[Verse, Pre-Chorus]
[Chorus, Pre-Chorus]
[Repeat Chorus except last line]
If only I had wings so I can fly
i wanna be with you for all of time
my love for you will never die
if only you could here me
shout your name
if only feel my love again
the stars in the sky will never
be the same
If only were here
Thursday, August 03, 2006
guitar days... the best days